10 Prayers for Addiction Recovery
Relying On Prayer During Recovery In prayer for addiction recovery, we cannot overstate the power of turning to God to overcome drug addiction. Whether you have a deep abiding faith...
Meditation: Resolving to Do Better
Our society today is focused on making resolutions and working to better ourselves, but it is important that we think not only about how we can become better and live...
A Prayer for Renewal
It’s a new year and it is at this time that our attention is drawn to our accomplishments, our goals, and our hopes for this life. As we turn our...
A Christmas Eve Prayer
Our society has become so commercialized that the word Christmas today is most often connected to gifts and shopping. As Christians, we know that the celebration of Christmas is so...
Meditation: God’s Gift to Us
It’s the Christmas season, and families around the world are putting up decorations, buying gifts, and making plans to celebrate the holiday. Christmas is more than an excuse to give...
A Thanksgiving Prayer
A Thanksgiving Prayer Addiction can be a dark and overwhelming struggle, but through the power of a thanksgiving prayer, we can find the strength and courage to overcome it and...
Gratitude Doesn’t Always Come Naturally
During the month of November, many people’s focus tends to turn to thankfulness. Thanksgiving is a good time to take a moment to thank God for the things we have...
God’s Grace for the Addict
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.” If you are struggling...