Fun in Recovery
I’m sober. Now what? – Ways to have fun in Recovery. Some people think that to get clean and sober will be the end of their social life. Some people...
God’s Desire for Your Life
A major barrier for those in need of drug and alcohol addiction treatment is visualizing their life after addiction. All they can focus on during addiction is their next drink...
Recovery Stories – How Drug Rehab Changed My Life
How Drug Rehab Changed My Life I would never agree to drug rehab, I never wanted to get help. This is my personal recovery story, this is how I found...
Live Like You are Recovered
Many people strive for sobriety and work for months and years to achieve a recovered life. But what exactly does that mean? How can you tell if you’ve achieved recovery,...
Drinking and Driving: Why Partying without a Plan is Dangerous
How many times has it happened that you and some friends went out for a drink or two, not planning on getting drunk, but not planning on how to get...
Sobriety Presents New Opportunities
After living a life of drug or alcohol use and being controlled by substances, it is refreshing to consider living a life of sobriety. On the other hand, it might...
JC Recovery Center Gift of Sobriety Christmas Scholarship
JC Recovery Center is happy to announce we will be offering a full treatment scholarship to someone struggling with addiction. This scholarship will include our full partial hospitalization program. We...
God’s Grace for the Addict
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.” If you are struggling...
Keeping Addiction Recovery Interesting
One of the first things that pops into people’s minds when they think of addiction recovery is that sobriety is boring. How can they have fun if there is no...
Five Realistic Resolutions for the New Year
January 1 brings with it the start of a new year and a time of change. Many people set forth to achieve a laundry list of goals they have set...