Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms | JC Recovery Center
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Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

By: jcrecovery May 18, 2016 no comments

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

alcohol-428392_1920-300x200Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be devastating and painful. Detoxification is a difficult process that may require medical attention. To really understand alcohol withdrawal symptoms we must first understand what the meaning of withdrawal is.


When an individual has prolonged use of a mood-altering drug, receptors in the brain need the substance to function regularly. The withdrawal process begins when consumption is stopped and symptoms occur as the body’s reaction to their absence. Dependency further develops as the individual seeks to avoid pain which diminishes their ability to get sober.

If you are an alcoholic and have more questions regarding alcohol withdrawal symptoms please call our center now! 954.589.2001

Alcohol Withdrawal:

Alcohol is a mood altering drug and therefore has withdrawal symptoms that can be very dangerous. They can happen 2-3 hours after the last drink and can last for weeks. Some symptoms are mild like increased anxiety and shakiness. Even dehydration and headaches, also known as your typical hangover, are the body’s reaction to the absence of alcohol.
When symptoms are more severe, like seizures and delirium tremens (also known as DT’s,) death may be imminent. They may also include dangerous alcohol withdrawal symptoms like:

• Convulsions
• Hallucinations
• Heart failure
• Insomnia
• Nausea
• Seizures

Because of the severity of these withdrawal symptoms, you can see why we highly suggest alcohol detoxification should be done with medical professionals.

After Detox:

What happens after the alcohol withdrawal symptoms pass without consuming more alcohol? The body then detoxes. Detoxification is a period of time where the body abstains from toxic substances. After detoxing, the body has no physical cravings. But it is seldom that an alcoholic who detoxes stays sober for long.
Why is this? The answer to this question is why alcoholism is so perplexing. Addiction professionals across the board agree that alcoholism is also a mental illness.

A Picture of the Alcoholic:

The alcoholic suffers from extreme denial. Despite the social and physical consequences alcoholics face due to their uncontrollable consumption like broken relationships, inability to sustain employment or worse, brain damage and cirrhosis of the liver, their minds insist they don’t have a problem!
How can you treat someone who refuses to admit they are sick? This concept is the main idea behind 12-step recovery where the first step is the admission of the alcohol problem. This is where the veil is lifted and the alcoholic can finally see themselves as they are so that they can receive help they need.

Freedom from AlcoholThere is Hope:
We have seen countless personal cases of people who have recovered from alcoholism. They have gone on to live wonderfully full and joyous lives. Health and relationships were restored, although at first glance, these things seemed doomed. Amazing things have happened through the help of the 12- step recovery and their community; treatment centers and the power of God.

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