Christian Alcohol Rehab for Austin Residents
Faith-Based Alcohol Rehab for Austin Residents
Having a casual drink with friends is widely accepted in many social situations right across the country. However, some people’s drinking habits can quickly spiral out of control and become a serious problem. If you or someone you know is caught in the grip of an alcohol abuse disorder, JC’s Recovery & Counseling Center in South Florida can help you break free from alcohol and learn to live a happy and sober lifestyle well into the future.
Why Choose JC’s Recovery?
JC’s Recovery is located in Hollywood, Florida, but many of our clients come from Austin for several reasons. Some of them recognize the need to spend a little time away from people or places that could trigger their drinking behaviors. Others realize that living in a different location for a short time can help them learn to develop new daily routines that don’t revolve around alcohol or drinking.
The team at JC’s Recovery maintains a mission to provide you with all the treatments and therapies you need to physically and mentally recover from alcohol addiction. We’re also with you every step of the way as you begin to rekindle your faith in God so you can start to heal spiritually too.
If you’re ready to begin your journey to recovery, call us today on 844-524-6873. The first step in your own recovery story is just a phone call away.
How Our Christian Alcohol Rehab Works
Just as the triggers and reasons behind your drinking behaviors are unique to you, the treatments and therapies needed for recovery also need to be tailored to suit your needs.
The team at JC’s Recovery understands that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment that works for everyone. Instead, we work with you to customize the right combination of treatments and therapies to give you the best possible opportunity to achieve your sobriety goals.
Our alcohol addiction treatment program combines various therapies and treatments to help you achieve the best possible outcomes. These might include:
– Individual counseling: One-on-one counseling sessions are designed to help you identify your drinking triggers and psychological reasons behind your drinking behaviors. Your counselor will also work with you to develop a strong relapse prevention strategy to reduce the risk of returning to previous habits after leaving rehab.
– Group therapy sessions: Daily group therapy sessions are great for helping you to realize that you’re not alone. You’ll be surrounded by people facing the same challenges, and you’ll be able to offer each other support and guidance while you’re in rehab.
– Faith-based group meetings: As part of your rehab, you’ll participate in faith-based group meetings that include 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings provide opportunities for socialization and prayer.
– Bible study group: Recovery bible study group is a time where we study the bible through the eyes of someone in recovery and how it can help strengthen your faith.
– Medications: Depending on your situation, we may need to discuss the option of specific medicines that can help reduce cravings for alcohol or to ease any withdrawal symptoms you experience.
You’re also encouraged to participate in a variety of other activities while you’re in rehab. These might include exercising, yoga, art classes, meditation sessions, or other activities that reduce stress, promote relaxation, or just have some fun.
Choosing a Bible-Based Treatment Center for Austin Residents
If you’re searching for a bible-based rehab treatment center, consider whether staying near Texas is the right move for your treatment needs. After all, if you’re away from people and places in Austin, you can begin rehab in South Florida focused solely on your recovery without distractions.
Our location and facilities enable us to produce a comfortable rehab center designed for you to feel welcome and safe. Our team also works hard to ensure you feel accepted as part of our ever-growing family. We’re with you every step of the way to your recovery.
What to Expect During Treatment
It’s common for most people to be worried about what will happen during rehab treatment. When you first arrive, your counselor will assess your situation and your treatment needs. Together you’ll develop a customized treatment plan designed to help you achieve your recovery goals.
The first stage of all rehab programs is detoxification. Depending on your alcohol dependence level, you may be offered certain medications to help ease any cravings you feel about drinking. Some people may also need other medications to help manage any withdrawal symptoms that emerge.
Many people who come to JC’s Recovery think their rehab treatments are finished once the detox has finished. Your body is free from the effects of alcohol, and the worst of any withdrawal symptoms may have stopped.
However, detox only works to break your body’s physical dependency on alcohol. It does nothing to address the psychological and emotional reasons behind alcohol abuse disorders.
Your counselor will help you begin to understand and recognize your triggers behind your drinking behaviors. Together, you’ll start creating a relapse prevention strategy designed to reduce the risk of relapsing back into old habits after leaving rehab.
What Does a Day Look Like at JC’s Recovery?
Each day of your rehab treatment program is correctly structured around building a healthy daily routine. A key element in your recovery is learning new ways of living your life that doesn’t include alcohol.
You’ll begin your day with a hearty breakfast, after which you’ll attend a variety of pre-scheduled counseling sessions or group meetings. You’ll have opportunities to relax during your free time between meetings and time set aside to enjoy your lunch break. Your afternoon may also be structured with more sessions, time for prayer, and various other activities.
Some evenings may have group support meetings arranged. You might attend recovery bible study sessions on other evenings. When your scheduled sessions are done, you’re encouraged to get a good night’s sleep.
The aim of helping you develop new daily routines is to encourage you to begin practicing self-care. If you’ve been drinking heavily for several years, you may have vitamin deficiencies. Alcohol depletes the body’s stores of vitamins B, C, and D. If you also have poor dietary habits and weren’t getting enough sleep, your body needs time to heal and recover.
You aren’t expected to live at JC’s Recovery rehab center during your treatment. Instead, you’ll go home to your accommodation each night in a sober living community and begin putting your newly learned recovery skills to good use.
While structure and daily routines are encouraged, you’ll also have downtime to socialize or attend outings and events with others in recovery. Together you can begin to explore new activities to enjoy or just hang out as you build new friendships.
How is Christian Alcohol Rehab Different?
Christian alcohol rehab focuses on helping you heal on a holistic level, so we strive to make sure you heal not just physically and emotionally but also spiritually. Through faith-based support groups, you’ll begin to learn how God’s love can help provide the strength and motivation you need to take charge of your life in recovery.
Throughout your rehab program, you’ll participate in group support meetings, where you’ll be introduced to the 12-step program. The faith-based support program helps you recognize that your faith in God can help you overcome alcohol addiction as you begin rebuilding your new sober lifestyle.
If you’d like to learn more about how our faith-based alcohol rehab program in Florida can help you break from alcohol abuse, call us today at 844-524-6873. The first step of your recovery journey is just a phone call away.
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