Finding the Right Christian Treatment Program
Matching Treatment to an Individual’s Needs
One of the most important things to look for when selecting an addiction rehab center is how well the program can be customized to meet the person’s needs. There are countless different methods of recovery, different philosophies, and different levels of care. Some people in recovery might require daily around-the-clock supervision and months of rehab, but others can recover with some intensive outpatient help. Some people respond well to certain therapies while others require a different approach.
If you are looking for a rehab program, take time to get to know the facilities on your list. Speak to staff, find out the program’s options for treatment, and make sure they will help you establish an individualized recovery plan. This plan should be based on your past history with addiction, your personality, your health, your family situation, and your goals.
If you are in need if residential treatment, make sure the facility offers that level of care and will help you step down to different levels until you are ready to live a sober life on your own. If your family is a big part of your life, make sure your rehab center offers a family therapy program, so you can all heal and grow as you achieve sobriety. Talking to the treatment staff will help you determine if the program is a good fit for you.
Addiction treatment is not a one-size-fits-all program. If you are going to put in the time and dedication to go through recovery, it is important that you find a program that will set you up for success by providing you with individualized care.
Where to Look For Christian Treatment
The first place to look for a Christian treatment program is your own church or religious organization. Your pastor or spiritual leader might have resources in mind or have connections to a solid Christian rehab facility. Friends loved ones, or acquaintances might be able to refer you to a Christian rehab program they attended. Or, you can use the SAMHSA search tool to find treatment facilities across the country using keywords to narrow your search.
Christian addiction treatment centers are popping up all over the country. This doesn’t mean they are all good options because many won’t offer the type of care most addicts need. Some Christian treatment programs only offer support groups and Bible study. While these activities have their place and are beneficial, they fail to offer deep healing or skills for sober living. A good Christian treatment center will use a combination of the power of God’s word along with proven clinical therapies to help heal addiction. A combined approach of science and spirituality is the best way to help the recovering addict heal physically, psychologically, and spiritually.
The Cost of Addiction
The cost of addiction treatment is sometimes a barrier to those in need of help. An individual struggling with addiction might be afraid to take on a financial commitment of any size at this point in their lives, but when we look at the cost of addiction, treatment is well worth the cost. Staying in an addiction is much more expensive than paying for rehab. Purchasing substances and supplies, losing time and pay at work, paying for medical care for failing health, and legal fees are all costs associated with addiction that people often forget about. Many addicts find themselves in deep financial trouble, losing their jobs and their homes, making it necessary for them to borrow or steal, or go on government funding just to get by. This is part of the downward spiral addicts find themselves on, as they lose control of their life because of their substance.
Financial Aspects of Christian Rehab
On the other hand, attending addiction rehab, even if it has to be paid for out-of-pocket, will save money, time, and resources. Most treatment programs offer options that help clients afford rehab.
Insurance now covers addiction treatment. Depending on the type of insurance you have, it may cover most or all of your rehab. As insurance companies are closer to offering the same level of coverage for mental health services as for physical health services, individuals are finding it much easier to rely on insurance for help for addiction. Your Christian rehab center can help you navigate your insurance coverage and help you establish a plan based on that coverage.
For those uninsured or underinsured, private pay is another option. Treatment centers are usually willing to work with clients to establish a payment plan when necessary. Some will help you set up monthly payments, and others will allow you to defer part of your payment until you are done with treatment. Again, thinking of the cost of addiction, committing to payments for treatment that will help you get out of your addiction is a great investment.
Some facilities even offer grants and scholarships to clients based on need or merit. Fees are often charged on a sliding scale, and some programs offer partial or full scholarships. In 2017, JC’s Recovery awarded a full treatment scholarship to one client during the 2017 holiday season. Our Gift of Sobriety scholarship opportunity allowed families to submit a brief application just before Christmas, and we chose one person in need of rehab to receive treatment at no cost.
Finally, there are options for free or reduced cost addiction treatment. SAMHSA’s database is a valuable resource for anyone struggling with addiction. The database can help find free or reduced programs available throughout the country. For more information about free or low-cost addiction treatment, see (link to next page).
JC’s Recovery Center accepts most insurance types and our staff can help you understand your coverage. We also accept payment plans for those who have to self-pay, and we offer grants and scholarships at select times. We are here to help you understand your options for affording treatment. Call today and speak to our staff to learn more about the financial aspects of treatment or to find out about our programs.